Monday, January 10, 2011

Scheduled prescription drug legislation moving foward

Meeting with Congressman Wally Herger's aid Ralph Keeley tomorrow morning to discuss the legislation proposal. Great news, have two national health organizations looking at the legislation for sponsoring, great news.  In the afternoon tomorrow I have a phone meeting with Senator Feinstein's health aid Nora Connors to discuss the legislation as well.

"A research-based questionnaire screening (DAST-20) for substance use and addictive disorders and a urine test (LC/MS/MS) for alcohol and other drugs shall be administered to all patients prior to prescribing any scheduled drug."

This legislation will immediately stop pill mills and doctor shopping while reducing deaths, overdoses and addiction caused by scheduled prescription drugs.  This legislation will also reduce medical liabilities and lower the over crowding and negative fiscal impact on hospital emergency rooms.

Jim Bettencourt

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