Sunday, January 23, 2011

One doctors rant!

I recently had an opportunity to ask a doctor his opinion about our legislation proposal.  

"A research-based questionnaire screening (DAST-20) for substance use and addictive disorders and a urine test (LC/MS/MS) for alcohol and other drugs shall be administered to all patients prior to prescribing any scheduled drug." 

After hearing what this proposal said he flew into a 60 minute rant that at times was hysterical, irrational, inconsistent, uninformed, and confused.  He seemed to  be so threatened by even hearing of such a proposal his ability to reason and converse rationally was non-existent.  

At one point he indicated that there is nothing that can be done to lower the deaths, addiction and overdoses, so why even try.  He said that do getters come along and try to legislate medicine and they and their legislation are the problem, not the deaths, addiction and overdoses due to scheduled prescription drugs.

He indicated that the people who are addicts are the cause of the problem, not the doctors prescribing the drugs.  The "few"addicts ruin scheduled prescription drugs for those who need it, the addicts are the problem.  

To summarize he believes there is not a solution, so no point trying.  Really!  Because the addicts are always going to get their drugs so there is no point in trying to stop them.

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