Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wally Herger fails to address 4,140 people dieing in 36 months

 Congressman Wally Herger and his staff have failed to address this very deadly epidemic after being shown explicit evidence  for months concerning the prescription / OTC drug epidemic.  Even though in Butte county where he resides prescription drugs are the leading cause of death, seeing the national scale of the epidemic his response is silence.  Congressman Herger you disappoint me greatly, but more important you have failed the families that have lost or are going to lose loved ones from prescription / OTC drugs

Since March of 2008 when the CDC  told the senate about the prescription drug epidemic, prescription / OTC drug overdoses have killed 4,140 people in 36 months, 115 deaths a month.  Additional drug screening by all doctors could reduce these numbers dramatically, but this would take for each patient an extra 20 minutes from doctors and a minimal cost to patients.  

Twenty minutes and a minimal expense or a persons life. 

I thought the medical profession was committed to saving lives, not time or a minimal expense.

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