Wednesday, June 26, 2013

CDC 100 overdose deaths daily from prescription drugs 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Time to discuss substance use.

Now is the time to begin an informative conversation and take action about substance use in America.   Let’s begin by informing our children about all of the consequences regarding substance use in America.  Let’s take action to enlighten children’s perceptions and behavior regarding substance use. 

In America today substance use is a very popular and at the same time unpopular issue.  On one side you have those profiting who promote the fun and beneficial effects of substance use. 

On the other side you have those who die, become addicted, need treatment, incarcerated, neglected or abused due to substance use.   All these things with very little pro-active effective prevention discussion, why?

The lack of communication about preventing the very addictive and deadly problem of substance use is not by accident.   Everyone has their agendas.

I have heard from many well intended, well educated people that prevention does not work.  To them I say that nothing in life is an absolute, including prevention.  This does not mean one should not be well informed, educated or make a best attempt at avoiding potentially harmful or fatal decisions.

There are billions of reasons to not have a conversation about substance use and they are all monetary.  Substance use is a lucrative billion dollar business in every one of its manifestations, good or bad.  Having an honest, complete conversation about substance use will not be easy. 

Simply having an honest discussion about substance use could and will be seen as a threat rather than beneficial by millions.  Millions of employees, stock holders, advertisers, sponsors, and retailers many fearful of losing profits or livelihoods. 

Sadly Americans have sat on their hands while generation, after generations are exposed to substance use without a complete substance use education.   When it comes to substance use education for America’s children’s prevention is the last component provided.  Consumption is the first component provided to America’s children.   Too many children even before they leave the womb.  

Substance use consumption promoted everywhere, the radio, television, movies, concerts, sports, schools, stores, doctors, hospitals, homes, parties, relatives, friends and the list is endless.  Our children have an endless physical and mental bombardment of promoting the healthy, fun, exciting, thrilling, and feel good enjoyment experienced through substance use. 

So isn’t time to have an honest discussion with America’s children and begin to stop the deadly and addictive deceit.  Let’s begin by discussing the realistic outcomes about substances like alcohol, prescription drugs and illicit drugs with our children, our families and our friends.  Who knows, it just might save one person’s life.